DataBank Announces 480MW Data Center Campus in South Dallas. Read the press release.

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[Webinar] Beyond Disaster Recovery

[Webinar] Beyond Disaster Recovery

  • April 28, 2020
  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am ET
  • Virtual

Have you considered how an outage would affect your company?

Missed this webinar? Watch it now here.

Just like everything else in Information Technology, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery continue to evolve. It’s no longer Disaster Recovery, but holistic IT resilience and being able to plan for any disruption, not just natural disasters. The challenges can only be solved with an end-to-end solution that includes the data center, infrastructure, and people resources that complement the software to ensure geographic diversity, security, compliance, audit, and uptime.

This Webinar will help you learn how to prepare, mitigate, and recover from disruption by understanding the current challenges and how to address those challenges.

Who should attend?
Mid-market. All Industries. CFO’s, CTO’s, CISO’s, CIO’s, IT Directors, Compliance, and Security Professionals

This Webinar will help you answer these questions:
– Now that IT has evolved, what are the new challenges?
– What types of disruptions can I protect myself against?
– What do I need to consider to ensure I’m covered?
– What is Disaster Recovery as a Service?
– Why do I need it?
– How does it reduce my risk and solve my challenges?

About the Speakers

Ryker-DataBankPhil Ryker
Vice President Of Engineering @DataBank. Ltd
Phil has more than twenty years in the technology field and fifteen years working in enterprise-level heterogeneous computing environments. He has a unique understanding of current and emerging technologies and possesses the business acumen to ensure the best outcomes for DataBank’s customers. As DataBank’s VP of Engineering, Phil has broad and deep experience in Cloud hosting, data center operations, software development, project management, system engineering, IT security, and storage management.

Cousens-ZertoJohn Cousens
Zerto Cloud Architect @Zerto
John is currently a Cloud Architect for Zerto based out of Atlanta supporting technical needs for cloud service providers in the United States. John is a VMware Certified IT veteran specializing in Virtualization and Cloud. He has been designing and implementing enterprise-class datacenter solutions for 20+ years including the first version of VMware at Northeastern University in Boston before the term “cloud” existed.

Bird ZertoRobert Bird
Cloud Account Executive @Zerto
Robert is a Cloud Account Executive at Zerto based out of South Florida supporting the needs and go-to-market strategies of MSPs as a subject matter expert. Robert, with 8+ years of experience in this industry, has had the opportunity to have roles in the field as Enterprise Rep and Channel Manager, giving him a holistic understanding of the business needs and challenges of organizations across every industry.

  • April 28, 2020
  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am ET
  • Virtual
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