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CISO Corner Episode 1: Ransomware, Privacy, and Security

CISO Corner Episode 1: Ransomware, Privacy, and Security

Episode Topics: Ransomware, California Consumer Privacy Act, and Nation-State Sponsored Attacks

Featuring: Mark Houpt, Calli Schlientz, and Tyler Treat

In our debut episode, listen to Mark Houpt and his team as they discuss three hot topics, recent events, and trends related to security and compliance. Ransomware continues to pose a significant threat. “In particular, we continue to see increased exposure and penetration in the k-12 market,” says Tyler Treat, DataBank’s Security Architect.

Calli Schlientz discusses the relatively new California Consumer Privacy Act. Cali, DataBank’s Compliance Engineer Team Lead notes, “Unlike HIPAA/HITECH in the early days, we see that the CCPA has come out of the gate with teeth and steep fines for non-compliance.” Cali also notes that we are starting to see similar regulations for other states, such as Washington State.

DataBank’s CISO Corner is for CISOs and security practitioners, where we discuss a variety of cybersecurity topics and current events from the CISO’s perspective. Our broadcast is designed to be a short intake for busy professionals, and for those of you who want to hear from security and compliance experts on the front lines who deal with these issues every day.


Related Resources:

CISO Corner Episode 6: StateRAMP
CISO Corner Episode 11: Know your risk tolerance
CISO Corner Episode 12: Data center security assurance

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