DataBank Announces ~$2 Billion Equity Raise. Read the press release.

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Press Release
DataBank Deploys Significant Expansion of Its Pittsburgh Edge Data Center to Accelerate Growth of Tech Ecosystem

Most connected data center in Pittsburgh addresses demand for enterprise grade infrastructure and robust interconnection.

Blog Article
DataBank Security Bulletin: Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability

In June, Adobe released patches for ColdFusion 11, ColdFusion 2016, and ColdFusion 2018 that address a critical vulnerability allowing arbitrary code execution. Here’s what you need to know.

Press Release
DataBank Debuts High-Tech Cooling, Energy Efficiency and Recycled Resources at ATL1 Data Center

DataBank announces its data center in Atlanta has unique capabilities along with high performance computing for partner and anchor tenant, Georgia Tech.

Blog Article
Why Managed Services are Critical to a Hybrid IT Strategy

The digital revolution is accelerating. Managed services are becoming a tool for achieving digital transformation goals and focusing on innovating.

Construction is Underway at DataBank’s SLC5 Data Center

Construction is well underway on our fifth Salt Lake City data center, SLC5. This 90,000 square-foot facility is scheduled to open in Q4 of this 2019.

Blog Article
One Year Post-GDPR: What’s Changed in Data Privacy and Compliance?

It’s been one year since GDPR went into effect. How has it impacted privacy laws in the U.S., and what are businesses doing differently as a result?

Blog Article
DataBank Assesses Impact of the U.S. Executive Order on Securing IT Services Supply Chain

DataBank’s impressions of the US Executive Order to secure IT services supply chain and it’s likely impact on our, and possibly your operations. 

Grand Opening of DataBank’s Third Kansas City Data Center, KC3

KC3 is the keystone of our South Lake Data Center Campus. This Tier III design data center augments the innovative and growing Kansas City market with a full range of colocation, cloud, and connectivity solutions. Diverse utility power feeds, diverse network entry points, and multiple fiber providers all contribute to robust resiliency.

Press Release
DataBank Hosts Bisnow’s DICE South ’19 Event at It’s Newest Dallas Data Center

DataBank announces its role as presenting sponsor and host of Bisnow’s Data Center Investment Conference & Expo (DICE South ‘19) on August 20, 2019.

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